Categories: NewsPublished On: May 21, 2019

Essay Contest Winner Reflects on $100,000 Prize in PlanetLaundry

Joe Dan Reed, winner of Speed Queen’s 2014 “My Success Story” essay contest, recently discussed the prize and honor in an online PlanetLaundry article. Last September, Reed was awarded $100,000 for his essay in which he described unique ways he retains and attracts customers to his eight Splash ‘Em Out Laundromats based in Lexington, Kentucky. Since winning the contest and paying off a portion of his loan acquired through Speed Queen Financial Services, Reed has been able to dedicate more funds toward various marketing programs including direct mailings and advertisements.

“I’m always thinking about what I can do to make the brand better-to make people continue to choose my stores over competitors,” he says. “What I do know is Splash ‘Em Out would not have grown from one to eight stores without the support of our dedicated employees, a knowledgeable distributor and a manufacturer that understands our unique equipment and financial needs.”

Click here to read the full article or visit

Randy Radtke

Global Public Relations Manager, Alliance Laundry Systems