Speed Queen Field Service Manager Provides Maintenance Tips in PlanetLaundry
April’s issue of PlanetLaundry magazine features the article, “A Low-Maintenance Investment in Your Business,” written by Tony Berton, Speed Queen® field service manager. In the article, Berton discusses three common maintenance issues and the actions a laundry owner can take to prevent them. These issues include clogged drains, obstructed inlet valves, and lint accumulation, which can all lead to costly repairs and a dramatic drop in a machine’s longevity.
“By taking preventative measures that reduce and eliminate maintenance issues, store owners will increase the overall efficiency of their operations while maintaining customer satisfaction,” writes Berton. “Although these issues may seem simple, if regular measures are not taken to prevent them, one out-of-order machine can quickly turn into many.”
To read more, click here.
Randy Radtke
Global Public Relations Manager, Alliance Laundry Systems